Some sheer ignorance in ‘advising’ what to do about kittens biting and scratching.
Written and spelled just as it was by these cat 'experts'
1.If she continues to give you trouble when she bites you or comes after you, you take your hand and you put it around her snout, not too tight but just tight enough to keep her in front of you and you wag your finger and tell her some simple words like "No biting" or maybe just "Bad cat" anything like that so she can recognize the words in their head and understand when there owner is angry. If none of these things work, if she isn't declawed you may want to consider that. You may also want to put her in a playpen with LOTS of chew toys to keep her preocupied,.
Yes declawing pops up straight away,even for biting ! If holding her snout doesn't work of course.
2.thumbing his ear to stop may take a few days to a week (not hard but not light)pinching him he may just not know he is biting to hardthis may take servile days do it harder each time first few times he may think your playing with him you will need to figure out how hard to pinch him to teach him stop
Thumb his ear then pinch him harder and harder, but don't forget it may take SERVILE days.
3.Tap him on the nose firmly as well saying in your most stern...and loud but NOT YELLING...voice "NO NO!" then set him down and walk away.
Experience with a little booger.
Ah the tap him on the nose 'advice' always comes up
4.i suggest putting him in a little box thing when he starts to do it.or hit him not to hard
A choice this time, put him in a box or hit him
5.i think it is totally a cat thing i have 2 cats and they both do the same thing i just sometimes have to slap there head and say no and it seems to work but dont go whaling them
Slap their heads, so what if they get brain damage as long as they don't bite or scratch.
6. don't know if this helps) my aunt has a dog and one time she bit her very hard and my aunt had to go to the hospital to get all those shots and stuff.When she came home, she hit the dog a lot and now the dog never bites. Unless it is play bites.It might be kinda cruel but it works.
So the aunt hit the dog a lot, but that's 'kinda cruel'
7.Go to the local dollar store, and get a spray bottle. Fill it with plain tap water, and keep it handy. When you catch scratching, spray her with it. It may take awhile, but she will get the idea. Eventually it will get to the point of when she sees that spray bottle.......she will run for cover.
Poor cat running for cover every time she sees the spray botle, what a miserable life !
8.Declawing is a painful ordeal for cats, but unless you want your furniture shredded, its the only option
The ONLY option ? I think not !
9.Just declaw is not a bid deal or a difficult procedure, he will not be in pain. All of my cats are declawed (front and back) they are all happy healthy cats.
No BID deal for the cat to have 18 amputations and it's not difficult, he won't be in pain.He will be happy and healthy !
Which planet does this person live on ???? should get her declawed. This may not make her nicer but it will make her a whole lot easier to handle and a lot less able to harm people. Cats can live and live quite well without their claws. They dont need them if they are indoor cats. Claws are only a constant threat to people, other animals, your home, and your furniture. It is not selfish to declaw your cat.
Oh how awful, claws are a constant threat, the cat doesn't need claws, how inconvenient that they are born with them.
11.Just declaw him, its no big deal.
No big deal ? But it IS a big deal to the cat
12.This one takes the biscuit!
If he does start attacking you (which he will in the beginning until you assert yourself): You must react very quickly and decisively. Grab the scruff of his neck and get a hold of as much skin as possible. Then push his head down firmly but not violently. Hold him there for awhile, he'll squirm and try to get loose but stay firm and stay calm. Talk to him in a low, growly voice (don't yell): say his name and say "no". After a minute or so he'll start whimpering and mewing, this means he's given you his submission. Only now can you let him go. Do this only when he's being especially aggressive and you know that he's not playing anymore. You may have to repeat a few times (but trust me, he'll get the message very quickly) and if used along with a water-bottle it should be very effective.
final-year vet student
God help this person’s feline patients when he/she qualifies !
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
Even more ignorance and cruelty
Written and spelled just as it was….my comments are in blue.
Thankfully as more people are finding out the truth about the cruelty of declawing, the sensible answers far outnumber the ignorant, but there is a frightening amount of ignorance on how to care for cats in general.
Q:How do I get my cat to stop scratching the wooden doorway?
A:Well take her to be trained or buy 1 of those eletric collers and shock her when she does that. It wont hurt you no just a shock. And if that doesnt work woop her ***!!!
An eletric coller ? It won’t hurt you no, JUST a shock, but then again if a shock doesn’t work WOOP her ! I wonder how this person would feel with an electric collar on ?
Q:How do I punish a kitten for scratching ?
A: A good method for disciplining cats is a rolled up newspaper used to swat (not whack) them on the top of their head, a little behind the ears.
Swat a cat on the head behind the ears ! I just hope this person hasn’t got a cat !
Q: Where can I get my cat declawed on a Saturday cheap?
A: Petco
She had a lot of anti declaw replies explaing how cruel declawing is and she commented:
It is NOT cruel. I get my nails clipped too. I am not stupid. He is not ripping our new furniture. it's either get his nails cut or get rid of him. And for the smartazzs, we have tried other alternative such as sprays, many toys-it doesnt work. So for everyone who thinks its cruel no one asked u to comment. I need someone who knows a good place if not go away.
Petco don't do it anyway.
For all the explanations she had, she still insisted it was merely nail clipping!
Q: Should I have my cat declawed ?
A1: If its an indoor cat only, in fact I wouldn't own an indoor cat without declawing it. Ive lost too much furniture and clothes due to an unclawed cat....
Of course the VERY important furniture and clothes come before the cat's welfare!
A2: If newborn babies can be circumcised, what's declawing cats. No biggie, declaw away
That old chestnut, comparing declawing with circumcision and no biggie, declaw away !No biggie having a cat crippled !!
A3: Well, Im not a cat person. Personally, I think an indoor cat who is not well behaved (scratching kids, wrecking furniture) should be declawed. But my husband thinks its totally wrong.It doesn't really matter for us though, because we'll likely never own a cat. We're dog people.
Even someone who isn’t a cat person has an opinion, I hope they never do ‘own’ a cat.
As for scratching kids and wrecking furniture,they must think cats are wild beasts !What do the kids do to the poor cat anyway to deserve a warning scratch ?
A4: Cats scratch with the back feet anyways and u only declaw the front so ya i declaw the cats
Even someone who uses 'text speak' knows a lot!
A5: Only if necessary. If it is like my cat, and he runs up a fence and gets lost. Then declaw them. But otherwise not very humane.
Is that for or against ?Is it only humane to declaw cats who run up fences and get lost?
A5: if its an indoor cat then definitely.if its outdoor only declaw if you dont like him
Is this someone totally ignorant or someone with a sense of humour ?
This is a comment from someone who asked about declawing and then decided they didn’t want to know after all.
Keep your opinions to yourself. To all the thumbs downers. PI$$ OFF!
I LOVE THIS ONE by someone called Pork Daddy
I'm American, and anytime I hear someone wants to declaw their cats I want to punch them in the face, and keep punching them in the face until they promise not to do it. It's disgusting that people do such a vile (and in MANY countries, and also cities in the US too it's illegal), thing. Removing a cat's claws is removing the first digit of their finger. It makes it much harder to stretch (critical for a cat), since they can't dig their claws in. They also overcompensate for lack of claws by using their teeth. If I could, I'd punch everybody who got their cat declawed, right in the face -- as long as I was anonymous.
Oh Pork Daddy how I'd love to do the same thing !!
Q: Is delcawing good or bad ?
Delcawing ???
Of the 35 who answered 31 said bad 4 said good
One of the 4 who said good: Good.If they scratch on stuff then it's good for them to be declawed.So that means they can't scratch on that stuff anymore.
It's good for them ? Yes,very important the stuff can't be scratched !
Q:My boyfriend wants my 10wo kitten declawed
I heard de-clawing is like cutting off out fingers at the knuckle. (I told him that and of course he told me that that isn't true)
A: It's not like cutting off fingers, but it's getting rid of their defense system! without their claws they can't climb or fight or so anything any cats do. My uncle had his cat de-clawed, then he moved and couldn't take the cat to his new apartment. He dropped her off at the farm, now she can't find food for herself, the other cats pick on her, and her ears froze off during the winter. not everywhere is safe for a cat and sooner or later you might have to get rid of it. have him watch the disney movie Bolt. (good example)
This person obviously thinks cats are disposable and even recommends a disney movie !
The following are not about declawing, but included to show the general ignorance of some people and also the daily abuse of cats:
Q: How do I stop my cat getting under my feet ?
A1: This is easy ! ...every time the Cat get under your feet, STOMP on its tail ! (that'll stop it).
A2: Kick him (not hard just a little tap like shoo) and yell my cats still love me and are nice and they dont make me trip over them win win
Q: My cat with possible bite abscess is sitting up a height and won’t come down
A: She has had a shock & is behaving normally under the circumstances. by staying high she is avoiding the risk of any other confrontation. ensure her wounds are clear of puss & make her feel secure & she will come round in time.
veterinary nurse
Yes one of the vet nurse/vet tech brigade who can't even spell PUS properly but knows everything about cats.
Declawing MUST be banned,we can never hope to educate some of these people and we can never hope to convince those who will never be convinced !
Thankfully as more people are finding out the truth about the cruelty of declawing, the sensible answers far outnumber the ignorant, but there is a frightening amount of ignorance on how to care for cats in general.
Q:How do I get my cat to stop scratching the wooden doorway?
A:Well take her to be trained or buy 1 of those eletric collers and shock her when she does that. It wont hurt you no just a shock. And if that doesnt work woop her ***!!!
An eletric coller ? It won’t hurt you no, JUST a shock, but then again if a shock doesn’t work WOOP her ! I wonder how this person would feel with an electric collar on ?
Q:How do I punish a kitten for scratching ?
A: A good method for disciplining cats is a rolled up newspaper used to swat (not whack) them on the top of their head, a little behind the ears.
Swat a cat on the head behind the ears ! I just hope this person hasn’t got a cat !
Q: Where can I get my cat declawed on a Saturday cheap?
A: Petco
She had a lot of anti declaw replies explaing how cruel declawing is and she commented:
It is NOT cruel. I get my nails clipped too. I am not stupid. He is not ripping our new furniture. it's either get his nails cut or get rid of him. And for the smartazzs, we have tried other alternative such as sprays, many toys-it doesnt work. So for everyone who thinks its cruel no one asked u to comment. I need someone who knows a good place if not go away.
Petco don't do it anyway.
For all the explanations she had, she still insisted it was merely nail clipping!
Q: Should I have my cat declawed ?
A1: If its an indoor cat only, in fact I wouldn't own an indoor cat without declawing it. Ive lost too much furniture and clothes due to an unclawed cat....
Of course the VERY important furniture and clothes come before the cat's welfare!
A2: If newborn babies can be circumcised, what's declawing cats. No biggie, declaw away
That old chestnut, comparing declawing with circumcision and no biggie, declaw away !No biggie having a cat crippled !!
A3: Well, Im not a cat person. Personally, I think an indoor cat who is not well behaved (scratching kids, wrecking furniture) should be declawed. But my husband thinks its totally wrong.It doesn't really matter for us though, because we'll likely never own a cat. We're dog people.
Even someone who isn’t a cat person has an opinion, I hope they never do ‘own’ a cat.
As for scratching kids and wrecking furniture,they must think cats are wild beasts !What do the kids do to the poor cat anyway to deserve a warning scratch ?
A4: Cats scratch with the back feet anyways and u only declaw the front so ya i declaw the cats
Even someone who uses 'text speak' knows a lot!
A5: Only if necessary. If it is like my cat, and he runs up a fence and gets lost. Then declaw them. But otherwise not very humane.
Is that for or against ?Is it only humane to declaw cats who run up fences and get lost?
A5: if its an indoor cat then definitely.if its outdoor only declaw if you dont like him
Is this someone totally ignorant or someone with a sense of humour ?
This is a comment from someone who asked about declawing and then decided they didn’t want to know after all.
Keep your opinions to yourself. To all the thumbs downers. PI$$ OFF!
I LOVE THIS ONE by someone called Pork Daddy
I'm American, and anytime I hear someone wants to declaw their cats I want to punch them in the face, and keep punching them in the face until they promise not to do it. It's disgusting that people do such a vile (and in MANY countries, and also cities in the US too it's illegal), thing. Removing a cat's claws is removing the first digit of their finger. It makes it much harder to stretch (critical for a cat), since they can't dig their claws in. They also overcompensate for lack of claws by using their teeth. If I could, I'd punch everybody who got their cat declawed, right in the face -- as long as I was anonymous.
Oh Pork Daddy how I'd love to do the same thing !!
Q: Is delcawing good or bad ?
Delcawing ???
Of the 35 who answered 31 said bad 4 said good
One of the 4 who said good: Good.If they scratch on stuff then it's good for them to be declawed.So that means they can't scratch on that stuff anymore.
It's good for them ? Yes,very important the stuff can't be scratched !
Q:My boyfriend wants my 10wo kitten declawed
I heard de-clawing is like cutting off out fingers at the knuckle. (I told him that and of course he told me that that isn't true)
A: It's not like cutting off fingers, but it's getting rid of their defense system! without their claws they can't climb or fight or so anything any cats do. My uncle had his cat de-clawed, then he moved and couldn't take the cat to his new apartment. He dropped her off at the farm, now she can't find food for herself, the other cats pick on her, and her ears froze off during the winter. not everywhere is safe for a cat and sooner or later you might have to get rid of it. have him watch the disney movie Bolt. (good example)
This person obviously thinks cats are disposable and even recommends a disney movie !
The following are not about declawing, but included to show the general ignorance of some people and also the daily abuse of cats:
Q: How do I stop my cat getting under my feet ?
A1: This is easy ! ...every time the Cat get under your feet, STOMP on its tail ! (that'll stop it).
A2: Kick him (not hard just a little tap like shoo) and yell my cats still love me and are nice and they dont make me trip over them win win
Q: My cat with possible bite abscess is sitting up a height and won’t come down
A: She has had a shock & is behaving normally under the circumstances. by staying high she is avoiding the risk of any other confrontation. ensure her wounds are clear of puss & make her feel secure & she will come round in time.
veterinary nurse
Yes one of the vet nurse/vet tech brigade who can't even spell PUS properly but knows everything about cats.
Declawing MUST be banned,we can never hope to educate some of these people and we can never hope to convince those who will never be convinced !
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